Title: Importance of atp method at the monitoring of the hygiene in meat processing premises.
Record: VARGOVÁ, Mária - VESZELITS LAKTIČOVÁ, Katarína - ZIGO, František. Importance of atp method at the monitoring of the hygiene in meat processing premises. In: World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. 2020. ISSN 2278-4357, Vol. 9, no. 8 (2020), p. 1-5.
Year: 2020
Category: ADE - Scientific papers in other foreign journals
Authors:VARGOVÁ Mária40 %
ZIGO František30 %
Edition: World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
Vol. 9, no. 8 (2020), p. 1-5
Country of issue: Bulgaria
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: english
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