Title: Monitoring of sex hormones in dogs with testicular neoplasia.
Record: HORŇÁKOVÁ, Ľubica - STEFANIZZI, Enrico - TITKOVÁ, Radka - VALENČÁKOVÁ, Alexandra. Monitoring of sex hormones in dogs with testicular neoplasia. In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR) : 1. vyd. Utrecht : ESDAR, 2021. s. 1.
Year: 2021
Category: BFA - Abstracts of professional works from foreign events (conferences ...)
Authors:HORŇÁKOVÁ Ľubica60 %
TITKOVÁ Radka10 %
VALENČÁKOVÁ Alexandra25 %
Edition: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR)
Virtual Congress
S. 1
Publisher: ESDAR
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Utrecht
Country of issue: Greece
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: english
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