Title: The influence of the parenteral administration of zinc on the metabolism and seminal fluid of the ram.
Record: MESÁROŠ, Pavol - CIGÁNKOVÁ, Viera - BÍREŠ, Jozef - LUKAČÍNOVÁ, M.. The influence of the parenteral administration of zinc on the metabolism and seminal fluid of the ram. In: Folia veterinaria. 1999. ISSN 0015-5748, Roč. 43, č. 1 (1999), s. 9-12.
Year: 1999
Category: ADF - Scientific papers in other domestic journals
Authors:MESÁROŠ Pavol0 %
BÍREŠ Jozef0 %
Edition: Folia veterinaria
Roč. 43, č. 1 (1999), s. 9-12
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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