Year Category
2017 AFG BOCKOVÁ, Eva - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Six-year study of mosquito populations in Eastern Slovakia : [Šesť rokov výskumu komárov na východnom Slovensku] In: SOVE. The 7th International Congress of the Society for Vector Ecology (SOVE), 5 Oct 2017, Palma, Spain : Symposium 4: Role of Arthropod Vector Salvia in the Transmission of human pathogens. 1. vyd. Illes Balears : Palma de Mallorca, 2017. ISBN 978-84-697-6086-4, s. 211.
2017 AFG KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica - HALÁN, Miloš. Occurrence of horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) and current possibilities of protection of humans and animals in Slovakia : [Výskyt ovadov (Diptera: Tabanidae) a súčasné možnosti ľudí a zvierat na Slovensku] In: SOVE. The 7th International Congress of the Society for Vector Ecology (SOVE), 5 Oct 2017, Palma, Spain : Symposium 4: Role of Arthropod Vector Salvia in the Transmission of human pathogens. 1. vyd. Illes Balears : Palma de Mallorca, 2017. ISBN 978-84-697-6086-4, s. 261.
2017 AFG KOMOROVÁ, Petronela - ŠPAKULOVÁ, Marta - MOLNÁR, Ladislav - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana. The occurence of thorny-headed worms parasitising in birds of prey (Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes) in Slovakia : [Výskyt háčikohlavcov parazitujúcich u dravých vtákov (Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes) na Slovensku] In: ISoWiF. Xth International Symposium on Wild Fauna - ISoWIF 2017, 21 to 23 September 2017, Vila Real, Portugal : Book of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Zamora : WAVES, 2017. ISBN 978-989-704-245-4, s. 120.
2017 AFG MARCINČÁK, Slavomír - BARTKOVSKÝ, Martin - MARCINČÁKOVÁ, Dana - HUDÁK, Marek - POPELKA, Peter - KLEMPOVÁ, Tatiana - ČERTÍK, Milan - MAČANGA, Ján. Impact of feeding 100.000000ermented bioproduct enriched with biologically active compounds on fatty acid profile and quality of chicken breast meat. In: Veterinary Science and Profession. Book of Abstracts 7th International Congress "Veterinary Science and Profession", October 5th-7th 2017, Zagreb, Croatia. 1. vyd. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2017. ISBN 978-853-8006-13-5, s. 102.
2017 AFG MARCINČÁKOVÁ, Dana - BARTKOVSKÝ, Martin - MAČANGA, Ján - JAĎUTTOVÁ, Iveta - MARCINČÁK, Slavomír. The use of humic substances in broiler chickens during the fattening period : [Využitie humínových kyselín vo výkrme brojlerov] In: Veterinary Science and Profession. Book of Abstracts 7th International Congress "Veterinary Science and Profession", October 5th-7th 2017, Zagreb, Croatia. 1. vyd. Zagreb : University of Zagreb, 2017. ISBN 978-853-8006-13-5, s. 103.
2017 AFG KOMOROVÁ, Petronela - VÍCHOVÁ, Bronislava - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana. Molecular evidence of Haemoproteus sp. in birds of prey from Slovakia : [Molekulárna evidencia Haemoproteus sp. u dravých vtákov na Slovensku] In: Ukrainian Scientific Society of parasitologists : konferencia. XVI. Conference of Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, 18–21 September 2017, Lviv, Ukraine : Abstracts. 1. vyd. Kyiv : Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, 2017. ISBN 978-966-02-8310-7, s. 101.
2017 AFG HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - KOMOROVÁ, Petronela - CHOVANCOVÁ, Gabriela. Trichinella pseudospiralis in wildlife of Slovakia : [Trichinella pseudospiralis vo voľnej prírode Slovenska] In: Ukrainian Scientific Society of parasitologists : konferencia. XVI Conference of Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, 18–21 September 2017, Lviv, Ukraine : Abstracts. 1. vyd. Kyiv : Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, 2017. ISBN 978-966-02-8310-7, s. 92.
2017 AFG ZIGO, František - VASIĽ, Milan - ELEČKO, Juraj - ZIGOVÁ, Martina - ONDRAŠOVIČOVÁ, Silvia. Prevalence and etiological agents of mastitis in dairy cow in marginal parts of Slovakia : [Výskyt a etiológia mastitíd dojníc situovaných v marginálnych častiach Slovenska] In: Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition. Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition, 14-15 September 2017, Kraków, Poland : XIVth International Conference of Young Researchers. 1. vyd. Warszawa : POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK, 2017. ISBN 978-83-945468-7-8, s. 49.
2017 AFG ONDRAŠOVIČOVÁ, Silvia - ŠURABOVÁ, Mariana - ONDRAŠOVIČOVÁ, Jana - ZIGO, František - GUBOVÁ, Marianna - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra. Determination of histamine in fish samples. In: Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition. Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition, 14-15 September 2017, Kraków, Poland : XIVth International Conference of Young Researchers. 1. vyd. Warszawa : POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK, 2017. ISBN 978-83-945468-7-8, s. 35.
2017 AFG KREŠÁKOVÁ, Lenka - VDOVIAKOVÁ, Katarína - MALOVESKÁ, Marcela - PETROVOVÁ, Eva - ČÍŽKOVÁ, Dáša. The presence of sinus intercavernosus rostralis in laboratory animals : [Prítomnosť sinus intercavernosus rostralis u laboratorných zvierat] In: Morphology. Morphology 2017, September 10–12, 2017, Charles University, Czech Republic : Programme and Abstracts of the 50th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society and 54th Lojda Symposium in Histochemistry.. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-263-1315-1, online, s. 88.
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Last database update: 07. 11. 2023 12:52:23
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