Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0084/18 2018 2021 Genetic analysis of selected new and emerging pathogens with zoonotic potential in animals and humans. VEGA Weissová Tatiana
APVV-17-0017 2018 2022 Toxicological activities of snake venoms of the selected species APVV Legáth Jaroslav
PPI/APM/2018/1/00010/U/001 2018 2022 Cultural heritage of small homelands NAWA Marcinčák Slavomír
VEGA 1/0398/18 2018 2022 SK: Analýza bielkovín krvného séra pri hodnotení vnútorného prostredia a diagnostike ochorení zvierat VEGA Pošivák Ján
765423-MANNA-H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 2018 2022 Joint Doctorate in Molecular Animal Nutrition H2020 Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
APVV-17-0372 2018 2022 Radio-frequency interface in biology and ecology of ixodid ticks APVV Peťko Branislav
CA18105 2018 2022 Risk-based meat inspection and integrated meat safety assurance (RIBMINS) COST Popelka Peter
Number of records in database: 27
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