Title: Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial isolates from sheep and goat cheeses in eastern Slovakia.
Record: VÝROSTKOVÁ, Jana - REGECOVÁ, Ivana - DUDRIKOVÁ, Eva - MAĽOVÁ, Jana - ZIGO, František - KOVÁČOVÁ, Mariana - ILLEK, Josef. Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial isolates from sheep and goat cheeses in eastern Slovakia. In: Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2021. ISSN 1505-1773, Vol. 24, no. 1 (2021), p. 13-22.
(2020: 0.821 - IF, 27 - H-index, 1.005 - IF 5y, 0.302 - SJR, Q2 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
Year: 2021
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:VÝROSTKOVÁ Jana36 %
REGECOVÁ Ivana34 %
MAĽOVÁ Jana8 %
ZIGO František10 %
KOVÁČOVÁ Mariana1 %
ILLEK Josef5 %
Edition: Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Vol. 24, no. 1 (2021), p. 13-22
Country of issue: Poland
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Scientometrics: 2020: 0.821 - IF, 27 - H-index, 1.005 - IF 5y, 0.302 - SJR, Q2 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q
Language: english
URL: https://journals.pan.pl/dlibra/publication/135814/edition/118740/content
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