Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0355/19 2019 2022 Influence of Zinc and probiotic bacteria on intestinal parasites in poultry VEGA Levkut Mikuláš
1/0788/19 2019 2022 SK: Štúdium zmien v mikroflóre dentálnych biofilmov u ľudí a psov za účelom harmonizácie mikrobiocenózy ústnej dutiny pomocou vybraných orálnych probiotík VEGA Maďar Marián
1/0505/19 2019 2021 The effect of application of autochthonous bee probiotic lactobacilli on the pollen carrier on the immune status and quality of products of honey bees VEGA Mudroňová Dagmar
APVV-18-0259 2019 2023 SK: Strategický vývoj terapeutických látok voči neuroinfekciám spôsobených vybranými vektorom prenášanými patogénmi APVV Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
1/0050/19 2019 2022 SK: Regenerácia defektov kĺbovej chrupky pomocou inovatívnych biomateriálov VEGA Petrovová Eva
1/0529/19 2019 2021 Influence of environmental mastitis agents on the formation and degree of oxidative stress in dairy cows and ewes VEGA Zigo František
SK-PL-18-0088 2019 2020 Influence of environmental mastitis pathogens on the quality of milk and the antioxidative status in dairy cows and ewes APVV Zigo František
PPI/APM/2018/1/00010/U/001 2018 2022 Cultural heritage of small homelands NAWA Marcinčák Slavomír
19314410-2018 2018 2018 Etiology and resistance of bacterial pathogens of mastitis in dairy cows and sheep herds situated in marginal parts of Slovakia EFSA Zigo František
APVV-17-0017 2018 2022 Toxicological activities of snake venoms of the selected species APVV Legáth Jaroslav
Number of records in database: 351
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