Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
03/2017 2017 2018 Effect of changes in the growth conditions on a content of biologically active substances with antioxidant activity in fungi of the genus Cordyceps (Fr.) Link. IGA Ungvarská Maľučká Lucia
003UVLF-4/2017 2017 2019   Protection of animals against cruelty-an attempt to unify the procedures of veterinary authorities, law enforcement agencies, and courts KEGA Takáčová Daniela
013UVLF-4/2017 2017 2019 The application of advanced imaging technologies into the educational process of the anatomy to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and support integration with practice KEGA Krešáková Lenka
002UVLF-4/2017 2017 2019 BVDV erradication programs of cattle: Transfer of knowledge on the line practice - education - practice KEGA Vilček Štefan
008UVLF-4/2017 2017 2019 The modernization and the making the teaching process of analytical disciplines in the study programme of pharmacy more attractive KEGA Šuleková Monika
1/0753/17 2017 2020 SK: Vplyv prírodných látok na nádorové mikroprostredie VEGA Takáč Peter
1/0658/17 2017 2020 SK: Komplexný pohľad na vplyv prídavných látok na organizmus zvierat VEGA Faixová Zita
1/0576/17 2017 2019 The study of the use of new alternative methods of the screening of antibiotic residues in the system of control of coccidiostats and their residues in food and feed VEGA Kožárová Ivona
1/0571/17 2017 2019 Morphological identification of CNS connection with components of extra-cranial lymphatic system under physiological and pathological conditions VEGA Maloveská Marcela
1/0408/17 2017 2019 SK: Vplyv humínových kyselín na zdravie, produkčné ukazovatele a kvalitu mäsa brojlerových kurčiat VEGA Marcinčáková Dana
Number of records in database: 351
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