Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0107/17 2017 2019 SK: Výskum etiologických, diagnostických, terapeutických a preventívnych aspektov digitálnej dermatitídy – závažného ochorenia paznechtov hovädzieho dobytka VEGA Mudroň Pavol
1/0081/17 2017 2020 Study of the effect of beneficial microorganisms and their bioactive products on the inhibition of biofilm-forming pathogens. VEGA Nemcová Radomíra
1/0161/17 2017 2019 SK: Využitie krmiva suplementovaného probiotikami vo  výžive rýb za účelom produkcie zdravých potravín VEGA Popelka Peter
1/0633/17 2017 2019 SK: Exopolysacharidy  Lactobacillus reuteri: štúdium ich imunomodulačného účinku na intestinálne epitelové bunky prasiat (IPEC-1) po čelenži s enterotoxigénnymi E. coli VEGA Tkáčiková Ľudmila
1/0486/17 2017 2019 Use of serum proteins in the diagnosis of animal health disorders VEGA Tóthová Csilla
2/0125/17 2017 2020 The impact of anthropogenic contanimation on the occurrence of the microbial and parasitic organisms in environment within urban and rural ecosystems VEGA Venglovský Ján
1/0061/17 2017 2019 Slovacia orientalis litterata. Latin Literature of the authors connected with Eastern Slovakia VEGA Zborovjan Martin
1/0918/17 2017 2019 Which factors are important in the clones formation and the role of parasite-host relations and niche partitioning in this process VEGA
1/0392/17 2017 2020 Influence of contaminants - products of the oil industry on the ovarian functions of various animal species. The use of medicinal plants to reduce the effect of these contaminants VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
13/2016 2016 2018 Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles prepared using plant extracts IGA Salayová Aneta
Number of records in database: 351
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