Year Category
1998 ADC ELNAAS, Adnan Salem - LEVKUT, Mikuláš - LEVKUTOVÁ, Mária - HIPÍKOVÁ, Vlasta - LETKOVÁ, Valéria. Antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniculi and renal lesions in mice. In: Acta Veterinaria Beograd. 1998. ISSN 0567-8315, Roč. 48, č. 2-3 (1998), s. 125-130.
(1998: 0.106 - IF)
1998 ADC KORÉNEKOVÁ, Beáta - NAĎ, Pavel - SKALICKÁ, Magdaléna. The effect of industrial imissions on heavy metal occurence in organs and tissues of cattle in the vicinity of Košice. In: Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques. 1998. ISSN 0733-4680, Vol. 16, č. 4 (1998), s. 445-452.
(1998: 0.477 - IF)
1998 ADC DANIELISOVÁ, Viera - CHAVKO, Mikuláš. Comparative effects of the N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist MK-801 and the calcium channel blocker KB-2796 on neurologic and metabolic recovery after spinal cord ischemia. In: Experimental Neurology. 1998. ISSN 0014-4886, Vol. 149, č. 1(1998), s. 203-208.
(1998: 2.863 - IF)
1998 ADC CANU, Nadia - DUS, Laura - BARBATO, Christian - CIOTTI, Maria Teresa - BRANCOLINI, Claudio - RINALDI, Anna Maria - NOVÁK, Michal - CATTANEO, Antonino - BRADBURY, Andrew - CALISSANO, Pietro. Tau cleavage and dephosphorylation in cerebellar granule neurons undergoing apoptosis. In: Journal of Neuroscience. 1998. ISSN 0270-6474, Vol. 18, č. 18(1998), s. 7061-7074.
(1998: 8.403 - IF)
1998 ADC SENGUPTA, Amitabha - KABÁT, Juraj - NOVÁK, Michal - WU, Qiongli - GRUNDKE-IQBAL, Inge - IQBAL, Khalid. Phosphorylation of tau at both Thr 231 and Ser 262 is required for maximal inhibition of its binding to microtubules. In: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1998. ISSN 0003-9861, Vol. 357, č. 2(1998), s. 299-309.
(1998: 2.497 - IF)
1998 ADC DE HAAN, Peter - KALKMAN, Cor J. - VANICKÝ, Ivo - JACOBS, Michael J. - DRUMMOND, John C.. Effect of mild hypothermia and the 21-aminosteroid U-74389G on neurologic and histopathologic outcome after transient spinal cord ischemia in the rabbit. In: Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 1998. ISSN 0898-4921, Vol. 10, č. 2(1998), s. 86-93.
(1998: 1.144 - IF)
1998 ADC BAČKOR, Martin - HUDÁK, Ján - BAČKOROVÁ, Miriam. Comparison between Growth Responses of Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Populations of Lichen Photobiont Trebouxia irregularis (Chlorophyta) on Cu, Hg and Cd Chlorides Treatment : [Porovnanie medzi rastom autotrofných a heterotrofných populácií v lišajníkovom fotobionte Trebouxia irregularis po ošetrení Cu, Hg a Cd] In: Phyton; annales rei botanicae. 1998. ISSN 0079-2047, Vol. 38, č. 2(1998), s. 239-250.
(1998: 0.096 - IF)
1998 ADC RABIŠKOVÁ, Miloslava - VALÁŠKOVÁ, J.. The influence of HLB on the encapsulation of oils by complex coacervation. In: Journal of Microencapsulation. 1998. ISSN 0265-2048, Vol. 15, č. 6(1998), s. 747-751.
(1998: 0.841 - IF)
1998 ADC MARCIN, Andrej - KIŠIDAYOVÁ, Svetlana - KMEŤ, Vladimír. Wheat protein proteolysis in the monoculture of rumen protozoon Entodinium caudatum : [Proteolýza pšeničného proteínu v monokultúre bachorového prvoka Entodinium caudatum] In: Livestock Production Science. 1998. ISSN 0301-6226, Vol. 53(1998), s. 183-190.
1998 ADC BAČKOR, Martin - HUDÁK, Ján - REPČÁK, Miroslav - ZIEGLER, Waldemar - BAČKOROVÁ, Miriam. The influence of pH and lichen metabolites (vulpinic acid and (+) usnic acid) on the growth of the lichen photobiont Trebouxia irregularis. In: Lichenologist. 1998. ISSN 0024-2829, Vol. 30, č. 6(1998), s. 577-582.
(1998: 0.660 - IF)
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