Histology and embryology

Študijný program: všeobecné veterinárske lekárstvo denná forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: KaAHF/GVM-HisEmb 2/13    Skratka: GVM-HisEmb 2
  •  Kredity: 12
  •  Ukončenie: Credit and Examination
  •   Prednášky: 2 / Cvičenia: 3
  •   Semester: letný semester
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Forma výučby: Lecture / Practical
Rozsah výučby: Týždenný: 2 / 3   -   Za obdobie štúdia: 26 / 39 (odporúčaný, v hodinách)
Metóda štúdia: prezenčná
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
Active participation in practical exercises. Preparation of self-drawings of histological slides in "Practical manual of veterinary histology and embryology ". Successful passing of three theoretical tests. Successful passing of three practical tests. At least 51% is necessary to obtain from all theoretical and practical tests.
Výsledky vzdelávania
Students are able to work independently with a light microscope. They understand methods of processing tissues for the purposes of light microscopy. They learn about the microscopic structure of animal tissues and organs. Also they understand the relationship between the structure and function of organs. The acquired knowledge is essential for understanding the topics in other subjects.
Stručná osnova predmetu
In the summer semester, the subject Histology and Embryology deals with the structures of organs in relation to their function. The lectures present details of histological structure and ultrastructure of animal organs according to individual systems. Lectures include complex text as well as numerous slides of light and electron microscopic images. The practical exercises directly correlates with the lectures. Students work with light microscopes and receive knowledge of structure of healthy organs. The subject also includes veterinary embryology where students study structure of fetal membranes, umbilical cord and placenta in different species. Students are able to apply their knowledge from our subject to other disciplines.
Sylabus predmetu
1. The digestive system I. The general structure of the wall of the digestive tube. Oral cavity and tongue; the tooth, esophagus.
2. The digestive system II. Proventricles, the stomach, the small and large intestine. The main characteristies of avian digestive system.
3. The digestive system III. The salivary glands, the liver, the gall bladder, the pancreas.
4. The respiratory system. The nasal cavity. Larynx, trachea and bronchi. Lungs: the pulmonary lobule, alveoli, air-blood barrier. Avian lung.
5. The urinary system. The kidney; the nephron, the collecting tubules, juxtaglomerular apparatus. The intrarenal and extrarenal urinary passages. The main characteristics of avian urinary system.
6. The male reproductive system. The testis and spermatogenesis. Epididymis, ductus deferens, accessory sex glands, the penis.
7. The female reproductive system. The ovary and oogenesis. Ovarian cycle. Oviduct, uterus, uterine cycle, vagina. The main characteristics of avian female reproductive system.
8. Nervous system. Structure and function of meninges, blood-brain barrier, and choroid plexus. Histological structure of cerebrum, cerebellum, hippocampus, spinal cord, somatic nerve, and ganglia.
9. Skin and epidermal derivatives. Skin, hair and hair follicles, skin glands, the equine and bovine hoof, the mammary gland and its development.
10. Sense organs. The eye, the layers of the eyeball, 3 types of neurones in the retina; histophysiology of vision. The ear: external, middle and inner ear. The vestibulocochlear apparatus: the organ of Corti and vestibular apparatus.
11. Embryology. Progenesis. Oogenesis. Ovum. Spermatogenesis. Spermatozoon. Fertilization. Blastogenesis. Cleavage of amphibians, birds and mammals. Derivates of the germ layers.
12. Fetal membranes. Yolk sac, Amnion and Chorion. Alantois, External morphology. Placenta, Implantion, Classification of the placenta. Transfer of substances through fetal-maternal barier.
13. Organogenesis. Development of circulatory system, lymphatic system, nervous system, respiratory system and sensory system. Development of digestive system, urinary system, male and female reproductive system, endocrine system and integumentary system.
The digestive system. Tongue; tongue with vallate papilla, tooth, esophagus.
2. The digestive system. Esophageal-gastric junction,proventricles, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectoanal junction.
3. The digestive system. Salivary glands (parotid and mandibular), liver, gall bladder, pancreas.
4. The respiratory system. Nasal cavity, trachea, lungs, fetal lungs, avian lungs.
5. The urinary system. Kidney; the nephron, the collecting tubules, juxtaglomerular apparatus. The intrarenal and extrarenal urinary passages. The main characteristics of avian urinary system.
6. The male reproductive system. Testis of adult animal, prepuberal testis, testis of cryptorchid, epididymis, ductus deferens, accessory sex glands: Cowpers gland, seminal vesicle. Male urethra with prostate gland, the penis.
7. The female reproductive system. The ovary of a female during the sexual cycle, corpus luteum of a female during the pregnancy, oviduct, uterus, vagina and avian ovary.
8. Nervous system. Spinal cord, cerebrum, cerebellum, hippocampus, somatic nerve, ganglion.
9. Skin and epidermal derivatives. Skin: pinna, digital pad, lip, tactile hair follicle, equine and bovine hoof, hair of different domestic animals, mammary gland.
10. Sense organs. Eye bulb, eyelid, tear gland, cochlea.
11. Progenesis. Spermatogenesis, spermatozoon, oogenesis, ovum - smear and light microscopy. Blastogenesis. Cleavage of amphibians, birds and mammals. Nervous system – slides.
12. Fetal membranes. Placenta, classification. Placenta of different animal species.
13. Organogenesis. Development of circulatory system, lymphatic system, nervous system, respiratory system and sensory system. Development of digestive system, urinary system, male and female reproductive system, endocrine system and integumentary system.
Odporúčaná literatúra
Almasiova V., Holovska K.: Histological methods. UVM Košice 2009;
Almášiová V., Holovská K.: Veterinary Histology II., UVLF Košice, 2019;
Holovská K., Almášiová V.: Practical Manual of Veterinary Histology and Embryology, 2021;
Moodle – lectures and practicals Intranet - Atlas of histological preparations
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Continuous assessment:
Attendance of exercises according to the rules of UVMP. Students have to pass all 3 theoretical tests: Digestive and respiratory system; Urogenital system; Integumentary and sensory system (at least 16 points out of 30 from each theory test is required). Students have to pass all 3 practical tests: Digestive and respiratory system; Urogenital system; Nervous, integumentary and sensory system (at least 51% from each histological slide is required). Two repeat terms of credit tests will be given after the semester. Missing lessons have to be substituted.
Conditions for completion of course:
Active participation in practical exercises. Preparation of self-drawings of histological slides in "Practical manual of veterinary histology and embryology ". Successful passing of three theoretical tests. Successful passing of three practical tests. At least 51% is necessary to obtain from all theoretical and practical tests.
Final assessment:
Credit and exam.
The exam is written and consists of theoretical part (questions from general histology, special histology and embryology) and practical part (3 histological slides - it is necessary to identify the organ, the staining method used and then draw and describe the given specimen). Each part must be answered for at least 51%.
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 299
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 24.01.2024
Schválil: Garant Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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