Preventive veterinary medicine, sanitation and public health

Študijný program: náuka o živočíchoch denná forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: KaEaP/JSP PVMSPH/13    Skratka: JSP PVMSPH
  •  Kredity: 4
  •  Ukončenie: Credit and Examination
  •   Prednášky: 1 / Cvičenia: 2
  •   Semester: letný semester
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Forma výučby: Lecture / Practical
Rozsah výučby: Týždenný: 1 / 2   -   Za obdobie štúdia: 13 / 26 (odporúčaný, v hodinách)
Metóda štúdia: prezenčná
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
The condition for completing the course is participation in lectures and practical exercises (100%) according to the study regulations (6 weeks), submission of protocols from practical exercises and successful completion of the final test.
Výsledky vzdelávania
Basic knowledge of general and specific principles of disease prevention and control, specific and nonspecific antiinfectious measures.
Basic knowledge about sanitation measures, testing of effectiveness of disinfectants, importance of water in animal and public health.
Stručná osnova predmetu
Sanitation of the environment - disinfection, rodent control, insect control. Protection of the environment – treatment of drinking water, waste water, excrements. Basic knowledge about sanitation measures, testing of effectiveness of disinfectants, importance of water in animal and public health.
Sylabus predmetu
Syllabus of lectures
1. Sanitation – definition and importance for public health. Subjects of sanitation. Disinfection, rat control and insect control as sanitation measures.
2. General sanitary design. Ways of spreading of diseases and their prevention. Biosecurity measures. Emergency sanitation.
3. Physical and chemical sanitation methods and equipment. Effectiveness of various physical and chemical ways of sanitation. Factors affecting sanitation measures. Evaluation of effectiveness of sanitation.
4. Food contamination sources. Principles of food sanitation. Sanitation in relation to food of animal origin. Dairy industry. Meat and poultry plant sanitation. Seafood plant sanitation.
5. Water and public health. Role of water in disease transfer. Prevention of water-borne diseases. Drinking water treatment.
6. Pollution of waters by anthropogenic activities. Properties and treatment of wastewaters. Importance of correct manipulation with wastewaters.
Syllabus of practicals
1. Sanitation means, their specific properties and practical use, alkali, acids, active chlorine compounds, aldehydes, chemical swabs.
2. Preparation of disinfectant solutions, microbiological swabs.
3. Testing of effectiveness of disinfectants, dilution test, carrier test.
4. Testing of effectiveness of disinfectants, suspension test. ATP test.
5. Wastewater treatment. Waste-water treatment facility.
6. Credit test.
Odporúčaná literatúra
Sasáková, N., Vargová, M., Gregová, G. Protection of the environment and public health. Košice, 2014, 210 p.
Materials for study provided by guarantor.
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Content prerequisite:
Continuous assessment:
Conditions for completion of course:
The condition for completing the course is participation in lectures and practical exercises (100%) according to the study regulations (6 weeks), submission of protocols from practical exercises and successful completion of the final test.
Final assessment:
Credit test
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 286
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 02.04.2023
Schválil: Garant Prof. MVDr. Zita Faixová, PhD.
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