General surgery and anesthesiology

Študijný program: všeobecné veterinárske lekárstvo denná forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: K-MZ/GVM-GeSAn 2/16    Skratka: GVM-GeSAn 2
  •  Kredity: 4
  •  Ukončenie: Credit and Examination
  •   Prednášky: 1 / Cvičenia: 2
  •   Semester: letný semester
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Forma výučby: Lecture / Practical
Rozsah výučby: Týždenný: 1 / 2   -   Za obdobie štúdia: 13 / 26 (odporúčaný, v hodinách)
Metóda štúdia: prezenčná
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
Stručná osnova predmetu
In the summer semester subject involves basic surgical performans, wound management, emergency treatment in surgical patients, bandaging techniques.
Sylabus predmetu
Winter semester.
Lectures (2 hrs)
1/ Introduction to veterinary surgery.
Animal restrain.
Antisepsis asepsis (desinfection, sterilization)
- Fundamentals of surgical facilities and equipment
- Preparation of surgical hall, instruments, operating team
2/ Examination of surgical patient before surgical procedure. Injections, i.v. cannulation
and infusion.
3/ Introduction to anaestesiology – basic conceptions.
Local anesethics and technics (superficial, infiltration, regional, vegetal blocades).
Local anaesthesia in dogs and cats – superficial, infiltration, regional.
4/ Local anaesthesia in horses, cattle, small ruminants and swine – regional
peripheral /central, superficial - intraarticular.
5/ Preanesthetic medicaments and anesthetics used in small animals.
6/ General injection anaesthesia and prepatations. Injection anesthetics – their classification
and properties.
General injection anaesthesia recommended combinations – horses, cattle, sheep, swine.
7/ General injection anaesthesia.
Recommended combinations for small mammals, birds, reptiles, ZOO animals, fishes,
Criterias for general anaesthesia in pediatric and geriatric pacients.
8/ Inhalation anaesthesia:
General principles
- Inhalation machines
- Types of inhalation machines
Inhalation anesthetics
9/ Characteristics of anaesthesia in the animals with diseased respiratory,
cardiovascular, renal and hepatal systems.
10/Anaesthetic toxicity, oxygen toxicity and drug interaction. Forced lung ventilation.
Ventilation of patient during anaesthesia and devices for assisted breathing.
11/ Monitoring of patients during anaesthesia. Acid-base equilibrium and blood gasses
during general anaesthesia.
12/ Solving critical stages of respiratory and cardiovascular
systems during general anaesthesia. Euthanasia.
13/ Fluid, electrolyt and acid-base therapy in surgical patients. Monitoring
of surgical patient. Nutritional support in inpatients.
Lessons: (2 hours)
1/ Farm animal restrain (horse, cattle, swine, sheep)
2/ Antisepsis, asepsis
- instrument and material sterilization,
- preparation of surgical field
- preparation of operating team
Small animal restraint.
3/ Injections and infusions (intramuscular, intravenous, intraartikulr, intraperitoneal,
intrapleural, subconjunctival, epidural) biopsy
4/ Local anaesthesia superficial, infiltration, regional in small animalls
(Bier bloc, intraarticular, plexus brachialis, intercostal, intrapleural, circular blok,
maxilar, mandibular, auriculopalpebral, epidural)
5/ Head and limb regional anaesthesia in horses (infraorbital, frontal, auriculopalpebral,
mental, mandibular, epidural, diagnostic regional aanesthesia), intraarticular. Intraarticular anaesthesia in large animals (cofin, podotrochlear, pastern, fetlock, digital flexor tendon sheath, radiocarpal intercarpal, cunea
bursa, tarsometatarsal, intertarsal, tibiotarsal).
6/ Regional head and limb anaesthesia in cattle and small ruminants –
( cornual branch. of zygomatic n., epidural, paravertebral, L – block, regional limb
anaesthesia - coronet, fetlock level)
7-9/ Injection general anaesthesia in dogs and cats (common combinations of i.m. and i.v.
anaesthesiai) Manipulation with monitors, injection pumps. Sedation, shortly acting anaesthetics, guidance and patient monitoring,
solving of possible complications, recovery – clinic intership.
10-13/ Inhalation anaesthesia in small animals, patient monitoring, evaluation, solving of possible complications, recovery – clinic intership. Manipulation with inhalation machines.
Summer semester.
Lectures (1 hour)
1/ Basic surgical procedures:
- incison, excision, tissue preparation
- suture materials
2/ Enteral nurishment. Tracheotomy, brachycephalic syndrom.
3/ Traumatology.
- Wounds. Definition, clasification, symptoms.
- Biology of wound process healing, complications.
Wound treatment: surgical methods
medical methods
biological methods
drenage, lavage
Bleeding, haemosthasis. Blood transfusion.
4/ Bandaging – bandaging materials
- Covering, fixating, correcting bandages . Bandages in different body regions.
5/ Closed trauma: concussion, contusion, distorsion, subluxation and luxation, rupture,
hematoma, foreign bodies.
6/ Fractures – definition, clasification, symptoms, principles of
7/ Initial examination and assesment of traumatized patient. Shock.
First aid in head trauma and some acute states of thorax and abdomen diseases.
8 / Surgical infection
- aerobe
- anaeróbna
- putrid
- specific
9 / Fistul, ulcer, cyst
- Sepsis, pyemia
Necrotic process – necrosis, gangren, decubitus, fistul, combustions, frostbites.
10/ Antibiotics in surgery.
Steroid and nonsteroidal antiflogistcs – attenuation of pain.
Pain attenuation in critically ill patients.
11/ Hernias – definition, etiology, classification, symptoms, therapy. Prolaps.
12/ Tumors – definition, etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, staging, treatment.
13/ Diseases of skin, muscles and tendons.
Diseases of synovial organs.
Diseases of nerves.
Physical therapy, endoscopy.
Practical lessons – summer semester. (2 hours)
1/ Basic surgical procedures:
incsion, excision, tissue preparation, grips and manipulation with basic surgical
instruments. Skin suture. (maquete)
2/ Hollow organ sutures – maquette
3/ Vesel and tendon sutures. (maquete)
4/ Surgical wound treatment, drenage – carcases
5/ Surgical methods in securing enteral nurishment - nasogastric, pharyngostomy,
gastrostomy tubes. Surgical methods for securing patency of airways – temporary
6/ Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery (rotating skin flaps in the treatment of
wounds heald by secondary intention.) – carcases.
7/ Thorakocentesis, percutaneous drenage, cystocentesis, urinary blader catetrisation.
8/ Covering bandages small and large animals
9/ Flexion bandages (carpal, Ehmer, Velpeau, hobble system)
10/ Casts, R-J, pressure bandages.
11/ Methods of use of skin grafts in wounds healed by secondary intention.
12/ Examination of surgical patients.
13/ Principles of physical therapy in the treatment of surgical patients. Principles of
Odporúčaná literatúra
Slater, D.:Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, Saunders, 3rd ed .2003
Capík I.: Veterinary anesthesia, UVMPH, ed. 2020, 128 pp
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Continuous assessment:
On the practice lessons.
Final assessment:
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 263
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 24.11.2022
Schválil: Garant Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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