Predictive epizootology

Študijný program: infekčné choroby zvierat externá forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: KaEaPaOsz/PredE ef/ProfS/22    Skratka: PredE ef/ProfS
  •  Kredity: 10
  •  Ukončenie: Examination
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Metóda štúdia: prezenčnápresent
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on the topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Výsledky vzdelávania
The graduate of the course will gain knowledge about predictive epidemiology, specific laws of epizootic and infectious process; origin, development and demise of infectious diseases; methodological procedures for diagnosis or detection of infectious disease agents; risk assessment, including the use of mathematical and statistical methods in forecasting and modelling in epidemiology.
Stručná osnova predmetu
Characteristics of predictive epidemiology (epidemiology vs.Epidemiology vs. epidemiology); Evolution of pathogen-host relationships; Interspecies interactions of pathogens (from apathogenicity to pathogenicity); Study of interactions: agent - transmission mechanism - susceptible organism (necessary links for the emergence of an epizootic process); The role of vectors; reservoir species and susceptible animal species in pathogen transmission and in emerging infectious diseases; Factors influencing the circulation of pathogenic microorganisms in animal and human populations; Principles and methodological procedures for the detection of infectious disease agents; Risk assessment in epizootiology (qualitative and quantitative) focusing on: Risk identification and characterization, exposure assessment and risk estimation; Modelling and forecasting in epidemiology; Predictive models in epidemiology; Analysis of the epidemiological situation using mathematical and statistical methods, including descriptive, analytical and experimental methods of predictive epidemiology.
Odporúčaná literatúra
Švrček, Š., Bajová, V., Beníšek, Z., Bíreš, J., Čížek, M., Korim, P., Levkutová, M. Mojžišová, J., Ondrejka, R., Ondrejková,A., Trávniček, M., Vilček, Š. (2008): Všeobecná epizootológia a všeobecná infektologija; UVL Košice ISBN 978-80-80-8077-081-5: 174 p.;
Švrček, Š., Bajová, V., Beníšek, Z., Bíreš, J., Čížek, M., Korim, P., Levkutová, M. Mojžišová, J., Ondrejka, R., Ondrejková,A., Trávniček, M., Vilček, Š. (2008): Prevention and control of infectious diseases: UVL Košice ISBN 978-80-8077-082-2, 344 p.;
Treml, F., Lány, P., Pospíšil, Z., Zendulková, D. (2014): General epizootology, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno ISBN 978-80-7305-701-5: 60s.;
Mojžišová, J. Goldová, M., et al. (2006). I. General part, laboratory diagnostic methods. UVL Košice, ISBN 80-8077-040-9: 95 p.;
Bakoss et al: Epidemiology (2005) ISBN 80-223-1989-9, 486s.
Petrie A and Watson Paul: Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science, third edition, ISBN 978-0-470-67075-0; 2018, 391 pp.
Sergeant E and Perkins N:Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians, An Introduction, ISBN 978-1-84593-691-4, 2015, 311 pp.
Dronamraju K.R. (Ed.) Infectious Disease and Host-Pathogen Evolution, ISBN 978-0-521-12655-7, 2009, 370 pp.
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Conditions for completion of course:
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on the topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 0
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 13.09.2022
Schválil: Garant Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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