
Študijný program: parazitárne choroby zvierat externá forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: KaChaChZvEkaKy/PZoon ef/ProfS/22    Skratka: PZoon ef/ProfS
  •  Kredity: 10
  •  Ukončenie: Examination
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Metóda štúdia: prezenčnápresent
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
The student must actively participate in lectures and practicals. For exam passing is necessary to prepare and defense of a seminary work on a topic specified by the guarantor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The exam is awarded based on the evaluation of acquired knowledge (in the range A-E).
Výsledky vzdelávania
After completing the course, the student will acquire comprehensive knowledge about parasitozoonosis and their causative agents, understanding of life cycles, epizootology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, as well as detailed information about clinical symptoms, therapy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy.
Stručná osnova predmetu
1. Leishmaniasis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
2. Entamebosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
3. Giardiasis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
4. Cryptosporidiosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
5. Sarcocystosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options 6. Toxoplasmosis, disease characteristics and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnosis and therapy, prevention options
7. Echinococcosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
8. Toxocariasis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
9. Dirofilariosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options 10. Cysticercosis, disease characteristics and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnosis and therapy, prevention options
11. Trichinellosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
12. Trematodes – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options 13.
13. Zoonotic ectoparasitosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
Sylabus predmetu
1. Leishmaniasis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
2. Entamebosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
3. Giardiasis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
4. Cryptosporidiosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
5. Sarcocystosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options 6. Toxoplasmosis, disease characteristics and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnosis and therapy, prevention options
7. Echinococcosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
8. Toxocariasis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
9. Dirofilariosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options 10. Cysticercosis, disease characteristics and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnosis and therapy, prevention options
11. Trichinellosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
12. Trematodes – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options 13.
13. Zoonotic ectoparasitosis – characteristics of the disease and taxonomic classification of the causative agent, biology, epidemiology and epizootology, diagnostic methods and therapy, prevention options
Odporúčaná literatúra
Deplazes, P. et al. Parasitology in Veterinary Medicine. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publisher, 2016. 653 p. ISBN 978-90-8686-274-0.
Jurášek, V., Dubinský, P. a kol. (1993): Veterinárna parazitológia. Príroda, Bratislava: 382 s
Letková,V., Čisláková, L., a kol. (2010): Laboratórne diagnostické metódy vo veterinárskej parazitológii: 108 s
Taylor, M.A., Coop R.L., Wall, R.L. (2008): Veterinary Parasitology, Blackwell Publ. 874 s
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Content prerequisite:
They are not required.
Continuous assessment:
Is not performed
Conditions for completion of course:
The student must actively participate in lectures and practicals. For exam passing is necessary to prepare and defense of a seminary work on a topic specified by the guarantor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The exam is awarded based on the evaluation of acquired knowledge (in the range A-E).
Final assessment:
The exam is awarded based on the evaluation of acquired knowledge (in the range A-E).
Lectures / Practicals
2 hours of lectures / 2 hours practicals / weekly - of which 80% self-study
Present form
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 0
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 05.10.2022
Schválil: Garant Prof. MVDr. Alica Kočišová, PhD.
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