Technology and hygiene of animal husbandry

Študijný program: výživa zvierat a dietetika denná forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: KaVaCHZv/THAH df/ProfS/22    Skratka: THAH df/ProfS
  •  Kredity: 10
  •  Ukončenie: Examination
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Metóda štúdia: prezenčnápresent
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
It's not a state subject.
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on a topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Výsledky vzdelávania
Aacquisition of theoretical and practical experience on the performance characteristics, technologies and hygiene of breeding of individual species and breeds of animals, which graduates can apply in the independent management of individual sectors of livestock production in companies with large-scale livestock breeding and in farms to maintain the health of animals intended for the production of various types of quality and safe animal products.
Stručná osnova predmetu
Cattle breeding - performance traits, breeding categories, housing methods, breeding of cows without market production, control of heritability of performance traits. Sheep and goat breeding - rearing methods, rearing of lambs and kids, production and processing of milk, meat and wool, wool breeding, breeding work. Milk performance of cattle and sheep, lactation curves, milking methods and hygiene programmes. Pig breeding -technology and hygiene of breeding of individual categories, breeding work, reproductive and performance traits. Horse breeding - methods of breeding horses, breeding mares and foals, performance tests of horses, handling, stabling of breeding horses, breeding work and stud books. Poultry breeding - technology of breeding of individual species and categories of poultry, fattening of broilers, breeding of laying and meat hybrids. Breeding of fur animals - utility characteristics, intensive breeding and small breeding of rabbits. Breeding of dogs and cats: division of dog breeds according to FCI and cat breeds according to FiFe, boning, exhibitions, housing methods and hygiene, breeding work.
Sylabus predmetu
The syllabus of the subject is based on breeding technologies and utility properties of individual species and breeds of farm animals.
Odporúčaná literatúra
Zigo a kol. 2017: Exercise from Animal husbandry/Cvičenie zo všeobecnej zootechniky (in Slovak), vyd. UVLF v Košiciach, ISBN 978-80-8077-509-4 Vasiľ M. 2015: General Animal Husbandry/Všeobecná zootechnika (in Slovak), vyd. UVLF v Košiciach, ISBN 978-80-8077-481-3 Vasiľ M. a kol. 2015: Breeding of fur animals/Chov kožušinových zvierat (in Slovak), vyd. UVLF v Košiciach, ISBN 978-80-8077-487-5 Sidor, E.: Livestock animals/Chov hospodárskych zvierat (in Slovak), 2003, Slovenská Poľnohospodárska Univerzita v Nitre, Vydavateľstvo SPU Chmelničná, Ľ. a kol.: Technology of small livestock animals/Technológia chovu malých hospodárskych zvierat (in Slovak), 2008, Slovenská Poľnohospodárska Univerzita v Nitre, Vydavateľstvo SPU.
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Content prerequisite:
is not required
Continuous assessment:
and 150 hours of self-study. Face-to-face method, in the event of an unfavorable epidemiological situation, the possibility of conducting lectures online.
Conditions for completion of course:
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on a topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 0
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 28.11.2022
Schválil: Garant Prof. MVDr. Peter Popelka, PhD.
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