Parasitic diseases of game

Študijný program: parazitárne choroby zvierat denná forma štúdia
Jazyk uskutočnovania:   anglický
Kód predmetu: KaChaChZvEkaKy/PDofA df/ProfS/22    Skratka: PDofA df/ProfS
  •  Profilový predmet
  •  Kredity: 10
  •  Ukončenie: Examination
Študijný program sa vyučuje v anglickom jazyku, niektoré časti informačného listu predmetu sú preto dostupné len v tomto jazyku.
Druh, rozsah a metóda vzdelávacích činností:
Metóda štúdia: present
Podmieňujúce a nadväzujúce predmety
To pass the subject, the student must attend lectures and exercises. The condition for passing the exam is the preparation and defense of a seminar paper on a topic specified by the guarantor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The exam is awarded based on the evaluation of acquired knowledge (in the range A-E).
Výsledky vzdelávania
The results of the education are verified by the preparation of the seminar work, its defense and the final exam.
Stručná osnova predmetu
Introduction to the issue of animal diseases, Zoological classification of wild animals which are listed as game animals, The influence of parasitic diseases on the health and condition of game
Small game protozoal diseases (game birds), Protozoal diseases of small game mammals (brown hare, wild rabbit), Protozoal diseases of game ruminants, Protozoal diseases of carnivores
Helmintosis in game birds, Helmintosis of small game mammals, Helmintosis of carnivores
Helmintosis of game ruminants, Helmontosis in wild boars, Botfly and warble fly in game
Parasitological examination of live game animals
Sylabus predmetu
Introduction to the issue of animal diseases
Zoological classification of wild animals which are listed as game animals
The influence of parasitic diseases on the health and condition of game
Small game protozoal diseases (game birds)
Protozoal diseases of small game mammals (brown hare, wild rabbit)
Protozoal diseases of game ruminants
Protozoal diseases of carnivores
Helmintosis in game birds
Helmintosis of small game mammals
Helmintosis of carnivores
Helmintosis of game ruminants
Helmontosis in wild boars
Botfly and warble fly in game
Parasitological examination of live game animals
Odporúčaná literatúra
1. Laaksonen S. a Paulsen P.: Hunting hygiene, Wageningen Academic publishers, ISBN 978-90-8686-249-8, 2015
2. Kočišová A. a kol.: Veterinárna arachnoentomológia, Košice, ISBN 978-80-8077-563-6, 2017
3. Janto R. a kol.: Vyšetrenie zveri po ulovení, Košice, ISBN 978-80-89280-34-6, 2011
4. Winkelmayer R. a kol.: Hygiena zvěřiny, ISBN 80-7305-523-6, 2005
5. Forejtek a kol.: Zdravotní problematika zvěře, ISBN 978-80-7305-652-0, 2013
6. Keyserlingk-Eberius M.F.: Choroby zvěře, ISBN 978-80-7433-062-9, 2013
7. Taylor M.A. – Coop R.L. – Wall L. Veterinary Parasitology. Blackwell Publ., ISBN 978-1-4051-1965-1, 2007
8. Nova J. Silvy: The wildlife techniques manual – research, The John Hopkins University press, ISBN 978-1-4214-0159-1, 2012
9. Nova J. Silvy: The wildlife techniques manual – management,The John Hopkins University press, ISBN 978-1-4214-0159-1, 2012
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu
Conditions for completion of course:
To pass the subject, the student must attend lectures and exercises. The condition for passing the exam is the preparation and defense of a seminar paper on a topic specified by the guarantor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The exam is awarded based on the evaluation of acquired knowledge (in the range A-E).
Hodnotenie predmetu
Celkový počet hodnotených študentov: 0
Dátum poslednej zmeny: 06.10.2022
Schválil: Garant Prof. MVDr. Alica Kočišová, PhD.
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