MVDr. Lucia Borszégová Pulzová, PhD.

Rok Kategória
2015 ADC MAĎAR, Marián - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - MLYNÁRČIK, Patrik - ALMEIDA, André Martinho De - SOARES, Renata - BHIDE, Katarína - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - KOVÁČ, Andrej - COELHO, Ana V. - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. Exploitation of complement regulatory proteins by Borrelia and Francisella : [Využitie komplement-regulačných proteínov Borrelia and Francisella] In: Molecular BioSystems. 2015. ISSN 1742-206X, Vol. 11, č. 6(2015), s. 1684-1695.
(2015: 2.829 - IF, 90 - H-index, 2.807 - IF 5y, 1.260 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
2015 BFA BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - ČOMOR, Ľuboš - KRÁLIKOVÁ, Ivana - POTOČŇÁKOVÁ, Lenka - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia. Molecular characterization of Borrelia detected from Ixodes ricinus from eastern Slovakia. In: Neglected Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases (EurNegVec): with MC and WG Meeting of the COST Action TD1303, Izmir-Turkey, 31 March-2 April 2015 : 1. vyd. Brussels : COST, 2015. online, s. 76.
2015 BFA BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - ČOMOR, Ľuboš - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - POTOČŇÁKOVÁ, Lenka - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. Proliferation assay: comparison of whole blood and PBMC cultivated with Francisella and Borrelia. In: Neglected Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases (EurNegVec): with MC and WG Meeting of the COST Action TD1303, Izmir-Turkey, 31 March-2 April 2015 : 1. vyd. Brussels : COST, 2015. online, s. 74.
2015 BFB BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - KOVÁČ, Andrej - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - BHIDE, Katarína - ČOMOR, Ľuboš - POTOČŇÁKOVÁ, Lenka - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. A cell sufrace shaving: a high-throughput tool to analyze protein-protein interaction between host and pathogens. In: The Immune and Nervous Systems. The Immune and Nervous System, October 20 - 22, 2015, Smolenice Castle : Ageing, Diseases, Teamwork. 1. vyd. Bratislava : MOJA-TLAC.SK, 2015. s. 35-36.
2014 ADM BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. Outer surface proteins of borrelia: Peerless immune evasion tools. In: Current Protein and Peptide Science. 2014. ISSN 1389-2037, Vol. 15, č. 1(2014), s. 75-88.
(2014: 2.328 - IF, 78 - H-index, 0.224 - IF 5y, 1.274 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
2014 AFC BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - VLACHAKIS, Dimitrios - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - KOSSIDA, Sophia - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. Computational study of interaction of borrelial ospa with its receptors : [Výpočtové štúdium interakcie boreliálneho OspA a jeho receptorov] In: Farm animal proteomics 2014, 17-18 November 2014, Milano, Italy : Proceedings of the 5th Management Committee Meeting and 4rd Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 & 3 of COST Action FA 1002. 1. vyd. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2014. ISBN 978-90-8686-262-7, s. 265-269.
2014 AFC BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - KOVÁČ, Andrej - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana. PilE4 of Francisella alters expression of proteins on the brain endothelium : [PilE4 francisely modifikuje expresiu proteínov na mozgovom endoteliu] In: Farm animal proteomics 2014, 17-18 November 2014, Milano, Italy : Proceedings of the 5th Management Committee Meeting and 4rd Meeting of Working Groups 1, 2 & 3 of COST Action FA 1002. 1. vyd. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2014. ISBN 978-90-8686-262-7, s. 119-122.
2014 AFG BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh - KOVÁČ, Andrej - DOLINSKÁ, Saskia - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia. Identification host factors intercalating with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. In: COST Action CM1307/CaPF. Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites, October 27-29, 2014, Calvi, France : Book of Abstracts, 1rst COST CM 1307 Annual Meeting. 1. vyd. Brussels : COST, 2014. ISBN 978-83-9287-841-6, s. 62-63.
2014 AFG FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - POTOČŇÁKOVÁ, Lenka - ČOMOR, Ľuboš - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. New potential antimicrobial peptides binding to outer membrane proteins of Trypanosoma brucei brucei. In: COST Action CM1307/CaPF. Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites, October 27-29, 2014, Calvi, France : Book of Abstracts, 1rst COST CM 1307 Annual Meeting. 1. vyd. Brussels : COST, 2014. ISBN 978-83-9287-841-6, s. 66.
2014 AFG BHIDE, Katarína - MUCHA, Rastislav - HREŠKO, Stanislav - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - CEPKOVÁ, Martina - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - DOLINSKÁ, Saskia - CSANK, Tomáš - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. Red-green screening: Construction of protein expression plasmid for easy recombinant protein production : [Red-green screening: Konštrukcia expresného plazmidu pre rýchlu produkciu rekombinantných proteínov] In: ICBMB. International Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 19 - 19 April 2014, Vienna,Austria : Proceedings. 1. vyd. Helsinki : ADEO, 2014. ISBN 978-1499240818, s. 295.
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