prof. MVDr. , PhD.

Rok Kategória
2020 ADE MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - TIMKOVIČOVÁ LACKOVÁ, Petra. The relation of the nutritional composition of TMR and the urea concentration in milk for evaluation nutrition and efficiency of protein utilization in lactating dairy cows. In: Animal Welfare, Ethology and Housing Systems. 2020. ISSN 1786-8440, Vol. 16, no. 1 (2020), p. 51-60.
2020 AED MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - TIMKOVIČOVÁ LACKOVÁ, Petra. Evaluation of protein transformation in dairy cows. In: NutriNET 2020. 1. vyd. Nitra : SPU, 2020. ISBN 978-80-552-2200-4, s. 55-67.
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