MVDr. Herbert Seidel, PhD.

Rok Kategória
2010 AFG KOVÁČ, Gabriel - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - NAGY, Oskar - SEIDEL, Herbert. Acute phase proteins and other markers of metabolic disorders in perinatal period of dairy cows. In: . XXVI World Buiatrics Congress 2010. Santiago, Chile, November 14-18, 2010 : Proceeding. 2010. s. 82-83.
2010 AFG TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - NAGY, Oskar - SEIDEL, Herbert - PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - LEŠKOVÁ, Lenka - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Acute phase proteins and some variables of protein metabolism in heifers with hoof diseases : [Proteiny akútnej fázy a niektoré ukazovatele bielkovinového metabolizmu u jalovíc postihnutých zápalovými ochoreniami paznechtov] In: . 14th International conference on production diseases in farm animals (ICPD). Gent, 20-24 June 2010. Gent : University of Gent, 2010. ISBN 978-5864-226-4, s. 164-165.
2010 AFG KOVÁČ, Gabriel - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - NAGY, Oskar - SEIDEL, Herbert - LEŠKOVÁ, Lenka. Acute phase response and energetic metabolism in dairy cows post partum : [Akútna zápalová odpoveď a energetický metabolizmus u dojníc po pôrode] In: . 14th International conference on production diseases in farm animals (ICPD). Gent, 20-24 June 2010. Gent : University of Gent, 2010. ISBN 978-5864-226-4, s. 138-139.
2010 AFG TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - NAGY, Oskar - SEIDEL, Herbert - LEŠKOVÁ, Lenka - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Changes in the concentration of acute phase proteins in calves with age : [Veková dynamika zmien koncentrácie proteínov akútnej fázy u teliat] In: . 1st Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD). Lelystad 15-17 September 2010. Wageningen : Central Veterinary Institute, 2010. s. P-1-15.
2010 AFG SEIDEL, Herbert - NAGY, Oskar - PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Clinical and laboratory studies of three-mineral injection formula tolerance in cattle : [Klinicko-laboratórna štúdia trojzložkového injekčného minerálneho prípravku u hovädzieho dobytka] In: . XIth Middle European Buiatrics Congress and 5th Symposium of the European College of Bovine Health Management. Brno, Czech Republik 17-19 June, 2010. Brno : VFU, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7305-108-2, s. 72.
2010 AFG PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - SEIDEL, Herbert - NAGY, Oskar - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Concentrations of thyroid hormones in various age categories of cattle and small ruminants. In: . XIth Middle European Buiatrics Congress and 5th Symposium of the European College of Bovine Health Management. Brno, Czech Republik 17-19 June, 2010. Brno : VFU, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7305-108-2, s. 136.
2010 AFG PETROVIČ, Vladimír - HISIRA, Vladimír - NOVOTNÝ, Jaroslav - LINK, Róbert - HÚSKA, Miroslav - PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - SEIDEL, Herbert - NAGY, Oskar - MUDROŇ, Pavol - BÍREŠ, Jozef - REICHEL, Peter - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Macro- and micro-mineral status assessed in the blood serum of milk animals in Slovakia : [Makro- a mikro- minerálny status hodnotení v krvnom sére zvierat chovaných na mlieko na Slovensku] In: . 14th International conference on production diseases in farm animals (ICPD). Gent, 20-24 June 2010. Gent : University of Gent, 2010. ISBN 978-5864-226-4, s. 154.
2010 AFG NAGY, Oskar - SEIDEL, Herbert - PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - REICHEL, Peter - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Occurence of sub-clinical mineral deficiencies in dairy cows in Slovakia : [Výskyt subklinických deficiencií minerálií u dojníc na Slovensku] In: . XIth Middle European Buiatrics Congress and 5th Symposium of the European College of Bovine Health Management. Brno, Czech Republik 17-19 June, 2010. Brno : VFU, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7305-108-2, s. 135.
2010 AFG MACÁK, Vladimír - NOVOTNÝ, František - REICHEL, Peter - HAJURKA, Jaroslav - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - SEIDEL, Herbert - LAZAR, Gabriel - POŠIVÁK, Ján. Postpartum ovarian activity, uterine involution and blood concentrations metabolites in airy cattle with puerperal diseases : [Postpartálna ovariálna aktivita, involúcia maternice a koncentrácie metabolitov v periférnej krvi dojníc s puerperálnymi ochoreniami] In: . XIth Middle European Buiatrics Congress and 5th Symposium of the European College of Bovine Health Management. Brno, Czech Republik 17-19 June, 2010. Brno : VFU, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7305-108-2, s. 198-199.
2010 AFH TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - NAGY, Oskar - SEIDEL, Herbert - LEŠKOVÁ, Lenka. Proteíny akútnej fázy a vybrané ukazovatele bielkovinového metabolizmu vo vzťahu k veku u klinicky zdravých teliat : [Acute phase proteins and selected variables of protein metabolism in relation to the age in clinically healthy calves] In: . Zborník abstraktov referátov 53. ročníka študentskej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou, Košice 15. apríl 2010. Košice : UVLF, 2010. ISBN 978-80-8077-183-6, s. 31-32.
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