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2014 AFK FARBÁKOVÁ, Jana - SMOLEK, Tomáš - KANDRÁČ, Ondrej - LEDECKÝ, Valent - WEISSOVÁ, Tatiana - MAĎARI, Aladár. Neuropathology in the brain of the aging dogs with cognitive deficits. In: 9th FENS Forum of neuroscience, 5.-9. July 2014, Milan, Ilaty. 1. vyd. Brussels : FENS, 2014. s. 318.
2014 AFK PETROVOVÁ, Eva - LUPTÁKOVÁ, Lenka - DANKO, Ján. Pirimicarb affects the cell proliferation in immature three-dimensional brain cell cultutes. In: 9th FENS Forum of neuroscience, 5.-9. July 2014, Milan, Ilaty. 1. vyd. Brussels : FENS, 2014. s. 700.
2014 AFK VILČEK, Štefan - JACKOVÁ, Anna - VLASÁKOVÁ, Michaela - SLÍŽ, Ivan - ROSSMANITH, Wigbert. Molecular epidemiology of viral infections of domestic animals. In: 12th International Meeting on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases (MEEGID XII), 11-13 December 2014, Bangkok. New York : Elsevier, 2014. s. 1.
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